Hey Team, I changed the URL of our blog to www.samamichigan.blogspot.com. If anyone has had trouble finding it that is why. Make sure you change your bookmarks to the new address. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
People always ask what SAMA means. It started as kind of a joke. It was a sleeting, snowy day in early December. My friend and I were surfing a swell in Grand Haven. I looked over at him knowing we were supposed to both be at pre-Christmas family functions soon, and said "We are like Self Absorbed Michigan Adventurers." That kind of stuck, and like many of our friends we have a common passion for outdoor sports in Michigan, and we go out in any weather to get our sessions. He replied "Ya, SAMA!"
So it was born, the SAMA logo was fashioned by another like minded surfer friend from Grand Haven. SAMA is for all of you year round Michiganders and vacationers who know, love, and respect all the outdoor activities there are to do in Michigan. No matter the weather you will find us us out enjoying all the benefits of our unique freshwater paradise.
So it was born, the SAMA logo was fashioned by another like minded surfer friend from Grand Haven. SAMA is for all of you year round Michiganders and vacationers who know, love, and respect all the outdoor activities there are to do in Michigan. No matter the weather you will find us us out enjoying all the benefits of our unique freshwater paradise.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A True Samainian
What does true Samainian do when he is hacking out his PhD at Notre Dame, short on cash, young child at home, and still wanting to get in his sessions? Well, a quick trip to Home Depot and a 20 spot can solve just about any issue. Good on you Coop! I think you should market that one! Good to see the SAMA spirit is still alive.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Snowkiting Michigan through the eyes of Andy Bolt
Andy Bolt shows us an up close view of snowkiting here in Michigan.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Poor Man's Ice Spikes
So, I heard about this new product that screws into your running shoes called ICESPIKE. I took a look at it and thought, "that looks pretty easy to copy." I headed over to Robbins Road Hardware, and for about two bucks I was on my way with 20 hex head 3/8 wood screws. I installed my new product into the bottom of my running shoes, and I am happy to say that after 2 successful runs I believe this will work really well over the winter. I will keep you posted, but for now no amount of ice should put a halt to my outdoor running plans, and this solution is much nicer than the bulky YakTrax that I have run with in the past years.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Mulligan's Hollow Ski Queen
I think Stacy deserves a big shout out for helping make Mulligan's what it is today. I remember about 7 years ago when I taught a few lessons for her. The lodge was an old log cabin with a wood stove. The carpet was circa 1970's and most people had written the little ski hill off. Today, that is quite the contrary. Grand Haven making the news, this time for its winter sports, not just the beach.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Trailer #2 | OUT OF PLACE
Trailer #2 OUT OF PLACE
My order for this new flick about surfing in Cleveland Ohio just shipped! Can't wait to see this one! Nice work guys.
My order for this new flick about surfing in Cleveland Ohio just shipped! Can't wait to see this one! Nice work guys.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
How to have fun in onshore winds & 1 ft waves
I know it's a little cold out here in Michigan to have this much fun kiting in onshore slop, but on those cloudy warm up days early this winter Ben Wilson is showing us how to turn slop into a killer session.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Black Friday Surf
These shots were taken by my beautiful wife Anna with her cell phone from the cozy warmth of our Jeep. With 45kt west winds blowing on Black Friday we scored this little left that was quite protected and fun. Wind chills were down in the teens for sure, and the snowing blowing in your face made for a very winter like surf. We scored our first surf and skiing session in the same day for this year. Boyne was open all weekend and Sunday morning the snow conditions were really good. Here comes winter!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Surf and Snow Sessions Michigan Style
I have been surfing a lot lately. Three lakes in three days just recently. The Gales of November are a special time for me. The water is getting really cold, and the air is freezing too. It can be hard to get into the water, but once I get a few waves I seem to forget all about the cold. I love the gray clouds and cold winds this time of year, it always reminds me of all the great waves I have had and times surfing with my friends. The dark skies and biting wind used to get me down when I was younger. But, after years of so many great waves and adventures on our Great Lakes coasts exploring and finding new surf breaks I have only fond memories of those dark, cloudy, and stormy days. This time of year as the snow starts to fly I seem to get even more excited knowing that many of these storms will soon dump snow at my favorite Michigan ski resort Boyne Highlands. The opportunity to surf and snowboard in the same day or same weekend is just around the corner. We will reunite with our Boyne family and the good times at the resort will ensue once again. The stoicism of living and enjoying the cold weather and dark days to their fullest I think represents our greatest asset as humans, that ability to adapt to whatever mother nature throws at us. But, not just to adapt, but to accept to the point of looking forward to it and longing for those days to come. So as the days get darker, colder, and snowier I hope all of you find a way to enjoy and look forward to this gift we are given by mother nature.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
First Tracks at Boyne Winter 2010-2011!
Even though that white stuff has not yet officially coated our landscape the snow making crew at Boyne is busy getting their slopes ready for your sliding pleasure! Check it out, maybe we will make our first runs of the season over Thanksgiving weekend. I love winter!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunrise Session
Here is a beautiful shot that was taken on the lake this past week. I don't know who the surfer is, but the photo is amazing. The sun about to come up in the background, the surfer just getting to his feet in that moment of thoughtless bliss that makes us so addicted to this endeavor. I can only imagine how stoked this dude was for the rest of his day. Only a surfer knows the feeling.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Lake Michigan Surfrider Meeting
This Thursday at the Old Oak around 7:30pm the Lake Michigan Surfrider Chapter will have a long awaited meeting. Anyone is welcome to show up. It should be a little business and whole lot of story. No matter what you will make some new surfer friends, or reconnect with long lost buddies of the wave. Not to mention feel good about yourself as you help to do your part to preserve, protect, and steward our precious Great Lakes. Hope to see some new faces!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Great Lakes Storm of 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Alliance for the Great Lakes
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Planing Hulls for GL Sliders

I am loving my mini simmons more and more as I continue to learn about its flow. For more inspiration check out www.hydrodynamica.blogspot.com
casestudy casper
"We hope to be able to resolve some part of that controversy now raging between those who believe in miracles and those who are dead set against them...Only one thing will stop the realization of that wish and that is the tenacity with which man clings to old forms because he does not yet understand the new."
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
All American Quiver for the All American Great Lake

Lake Michigan is affectionately known by Great Lakes enthusiasts as "The All American Great Lake" due to the fact that it is the only Great Lake that lays entirely within the United States. My favorite sliding tools for this special body of water are as follows. 10ft volan cloth Bob McTavish noserider (Pre-Global Surf Industries), 6ft Burly mini-simmons (locally made), and the 5'8" Grunion 9fish retro quad. This seems to cover most of my bases here in the freshies. I didn't plan them to be red, white, and blue, but thought it was symbolic enough to warrant a post. Hope all you GL sliders got some this weekend. See you in the water soon.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
MIDWEST shades

Alright people, you know how stoked we are about the Midwest! So naturally we think the new MIDWEST sunglass company is the bomb diggity! Get some inexpensive shades instead of those overpriced brand names, these shades won't set you back a hundo, and you'll be letting the world know the Midwest is the best! From the middle since day one! Check'em out. Send them a shot of your mug, cause they are currently looking for some ridiculous real Midwesterners to model these epic sunglasses.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Kite Score on Beaver Island
I feel really fortunate after scoring a really memorable session on the south shore of Beaver Island yesterday so I figured I would write up a little tale of the day. The deal was, I had to be on the island, at the Central Michigan University Biological Station, for work by Saturday evening. I was planning to leave my house in South Bend in the morning, cruise up and catch the 2:30 ferry. However, after checking the offshore forecast as I was leaving work on Friday afternoon, seeing that it was calling for winds out of the southwest at 20 kts and 6 foot waves, I quickly started scheming to get up there ASAP. So, I kissed my son and wife goodbye at 8:00 pm, made the 5-hour drive to Charlevoix, met up with my buddies Beau and Ben, who just happened to be renting a cottage up there with their families. Of course, we drank beers until 3, I took a quick nap, and just barely made it to the ferry terminal before the 8:00 a.m. departure, threw two kites, a board, and a bag of clothes and a wetsuit into the luggage cart as they were wheeling it onto the boat, and I was off. Despite the lack of sleep and mild hangover, the 2-hour boat trip got me super stoked watching solid white caps and sets of 6 foot swells slide under the boat as we slogged the 32 miles to St. Jame Harbor. Of course, in my haste to get out of town and up to northern Michigan, I hadn't made any arrangements for transportation on the island. I just figured, if it was meant to be, it would work out. Sure enough, I got off the boat in St. James, swung into the terminal office and asked the women behind the counter if she know where I might get ahold of a car for the day. Now, bear in mind, this is a small island in the middle of Lake Michigan, there's no Avis. She called her freind Pat who showed up in less than 10 minutes and for $40 I was throwing my gear in a rusty minivan. From St. James I headed south, 15 miles of gravel and 2-track roads to the south end of the island. As the winding gravel road rolled out onto the beach, I knew it had all been worth it. Maybe I was getting paid back for those 3 or 4 skunkings I had on the south end this spring, or maybe I was just lucky but what layed out in front of me was the setup and conditions that I had been dreaming of for most of the 5-hour drive north the night before. A sand and gravel spit stuck out from shore and protected a nice little embayment, perfect for launching and some flatwater freestyle. To the west, head-high rights were reeling off a rocky point. To the east, waves were unloading on a shallow sandbar. And to top it off, a solid 20 knot wind was blowing 80 degree summer air (a rareity in northern Lake Michigan). All this, and of course, not a soul around. Any kiter knows the rest of this story... 5 hours later, I packed my stuff up, clicked a few more photos, smiled, threw my gear back into the rusty minivan, and wondered how a Lake Michigan session could ever get any better.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Women's tanks are here!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Tarp Surfing
So it's summer, and if there's no surf, that's cool because tarp surfing is the new bomb diggity! I found this on Justin's blog burlysurfboards.blogspot.com. Gotta love it!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Back Home
I just typed up this comment on Third Coast Surf Shop's blog this morning and wanted to share it with the SAMA community. This time of year can be hard on surfers around here, it's hot and waveless often. The warm weather urges us to the beach and we seem to find all too often waveless beaches. It can be enough to make even the most optimistic of lake surfers want to sell the house and pack up for a life on the east or west coast where surf is more prevalent.
Here is Ryan's post, titled "Rainy Day."
Sometimes I think about moving to the ocean so I can surf every day. How realistic that is, or likely, I'm not sure...but I think about it. I was born in South Bend, Indiana, but could have just as easily been born in California. How would things have been different?
I learned how to surf on Lake Michigan and I am still surfing with the guys who taught me 12 years later. I now own a surf shop. I get to talk and think about surfing every day, but I don't get to surf every day. I am a surfer living in what most believe to be a surfless place.
My wife and I could sell all of our stuff and move to the small lot we have on the ocean. On another continent. I would be able to surf every day. But what would I be leaving behind?
Those things keep me here - including the surf. I may not get to surf every day, but when I do, it is often special. We travel to other places to surf, stay connected via friends and connections on the coasts, and surf our brains out when there are waves.
But I do think about it, especially when in the midst of a two week flat spell. Not surfing for two weeks can be hard...but, maybe the "grass is always greener"?
For now, we'll watch the maps and models for the next blip of swell, and hope that it happens. When it does, it can make waiting two weeks totally worth it. And suddenly, thoughts of moving to the coast to surf every day wash away with that last wave.
Shoot...we need waves.
Here was my comment:
I just returned from a month long surf and kite trip on the Pacific Northwest Coast. I surfed as much as possible. I discovered great waves, and new friends. I also found something I knew was there all along. My love for the lakes, no matter how much I get sick of the fickle wind swell got stronger. Sounds weird, but I realized again that we have such diversity in our coasts, warm beaches, rugged cold coast lines, you just have to be willing to travel a little bit, but the journey is part of the experience that makes is so special. And I firmly believe that once you have been a part of this surf community it never leaves you. You are drawn back to the quality experience of surfing fun waves in a sharkless ocean with old and new friends. Not saying I don't love a trip to a wave washed coast during the doldrums of summer or iced up season of winter, but every time I go I am even more thankful for my home. Sure we would all be better surfers if we lived somewhere else and got to surf more often, but I will argue that our love surfing might diminish a bit. I could go on and on about how special our waves are but in reality, they are just waves and that is what keeps us here. That experience of surfing at home, and as we all know there's no place like home Dorthy. See all you hogs in freshies soon. Ryan's photo sums it up.
Here is Ryan's post, titled "Rainy Day."
Sometimes I think about moving to the ocean so I can surf every day. How realistic that is, or likely, I'm not sure...but I think about it. I was born in South Bend, Indiana, but could have just as easily been born in California. How would things have been different?
I learned how to surf on Lake Michigan and I am still surfing with the guys who taught me 12 years later. I now own a surf shop. I get to talk and think about surfing every day, but I don't get to surf every day. I am a surfer living in what most believe to be a surfless place.
My wife and I could sell all of our stuff and move to the small lot we have on the ocean. On another continent. I would be able to surf every day. But what would I be leaving behind?
Those things keep me here - including the surf. I may not get to surf every day, but when I do, it is often special. We travel to other places to surf, stay connected via friends and connections on the coasts, and surf our brains out when there are waves.
But I do think about it, especially when in the midst of a two week flat spell. Not surfing for two weeks can be hard...but, maybe the "grass is always greener"?
For now, we'll watch the maps and models for the next blip of swell, and hope that it happens. When it does, it can make waiting two weeks totally worth it. And suddenly, thoughts of moving to the coast to surf every day wash away with that last wave.
Shoot...we need waves.
Here was my comment:
I just returned from a month long surf and kite trip on the Pacific Northwest Coast. I surfed as much as possible. I discovered great waves, and new friends. I also found something I knew was there all along. My love for the lakes, no matter how much I get sick of the fickle wind swell got stronger. Sounds weird, but I realized again that we have such diversity in our coasts, warm beaches, rugged cold coast lines, you just have to be willing to travel a little bit, but the journey is part of the experience that makes is so special. And I firmly believe that once you have been a part of this surf community it never leaves you. You are drawn back to the quality experience of surfing fun waves in a sharkless ocean with old and new friends. Not saying I don't love a trip to a wave washed coast during the doldrums of summer or iced up season of winter, but every time I go I am even more thankful for my home. Sure we would all be better surfers if we lived somewhere else and got to surf more often, but I will argue that our love surfing might diminish a bit. I could go on and on about how special our waves are but in reality, they are just waves and that is what keeps us here. That experience of surfing at home, and as we all know there's no place like home Dorthy. See all you hogs in freshies soon. Ryan's photo sums it up.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
SAMA Banner Arrives!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Aussie Trip in August??
SAMA Nation:
If anyone is interested in taking a trip to Australia in August, let me know ASAP!!! I found a killer deal on Delta and American for around $900 from Indianapolis to Sydney most anytime in August. Send me an email at mseufert@usa.net if you're interested. At this price, it's not gonna last too long, that's why credit cards exist. This trip is usually like $1500 from LA.
BTW, not to pimp this website, but airfarewatchdog.com you can get unadvertised cheap flights from your home city emailed to you.
Mike Seufert (Indiana All-Star)
If anyone is interested in taking a trip to Australia in August, let me know ASAP!!! I found a killer deal on Delta and American for around $900 from Indianapolis to Sydney most anytime in August. Send me an email at mseufert@usa.net if you're interested. At this price, it's not gonna last too long, that's why credit cards exist. This trip is usually like $1500 from LA.
BTW, not to pimp this website, but airfarewatchdog.com you can get unadvertised cheap flights from your home city emailed to you.
Mike Seufert (Indiana All-Star)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Coming Together
If you haven't heard of Ben Wilson yet then this little teaser should give a glimpse into what's possible for a surfer / kiter. Ben is an Aussie that has been living the dream for a few years kiting and surfing epic waves around the world. Oh ya, and he's got a really cool name too!
Ben Wilson section from "Coming Together" from BENWILSONVISION on Vimeo.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Surfrider Foundation Lake Michigan Chapter Hoodies!

These are real nice! I almost thought I had too many hoodies until I put this one on. At that moment I knew it would become one of my favorites! Make sure you come to our fundraiser party on May 14th 6pm at Mulligans Hollow in Grand Haven. You can pick one up at the party. Bring your cash and your stoke! This is one you don't want to miss.
Or, you can order them online just click on the title of this post to access the link.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Surfrider Foundation Lake Michigan Chapter Fundraiser Party

Brothers and Sisters of Freshwater Intergalactic Oneness!
Please join us for an epic night of supporting your local Surfrider Foundation Lake Michigan Chapter. We fight for your public access to surf spots, we go to bat for you with the law, and most of all we support clean water initiatives here in Lake Michigan. Come show us your support! Bring your surf gear for swap, and your famous Great Lakes Surfer stoke!
Surfers, Kiters, Skimmers, Lovers of the Lake, hey even Bodyboarders, come on out!
Friday, May 14 – 6-12pm – Mulligans Hollow Ski Bowl Lodge, Grand Haven.
Food by Rios, Music by Roosevelt Diggs - Drinks Provided - Surf Swap - Surf Flick - All Around Super Rad
Friday, April 9, 2010
Spring Break Swell
We always seem to get that cold front over spring break. This year was the first time in a while I stayed home for break, and so far I have been very pleased with all the kiting, mt. biking, surfing, and chillin we have been able to do right here at home. Here are few photos of yesterday's swell. Not to mention this was my new mini simmons christening surf session. I think this board has karma to bring such nice waves for its first time out. It performed beautifully!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Experiments in Hydrodynamic Planning Hulls
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The joys of living on the lakeshore. However, don't kid yourself. The air temp was 22 degrees and the water was maybe 40. Worth it? A wise man once told me, nothing is as cold as "the icy fingers of regret." Above is the said wise man enjoying his choice to paddle out. Those fingers always warm back up, but the regret of missing out on great waves with all your friends will haunt you for years to come. Thanks for the inspiration wise man!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Friendly Ghost of the Great Lakes
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Kiteboarding Stoke
Fuel for the kiteboarders soul! I guess if it's going to be warm then bring on the heat.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Dreaming of Perfect Pond Hockey

I just wanted show off some of the perfect ice we had at the St. Ignace tournament this year. Pretty unbelievable, although after the first few games the ice looked all chewed up. I'm really glad we got out there early on Friday morning to take few photos. Pretty sure these conditions will be hard to replicate in the future.
The warm weather feels great but there is a sadness to the warmth for me. Those great times of winter, with perfect snow and ice, sunny days, are all but a distant memory. Great times in the winter of 2009-2010. It was way too short for me, but I guess all good things must come to an end. Bring on the wind and waves!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Bobby has been born from Burly Surfboards
Monday, February 1, 2010
Intergalatic Human Sled Dog Race
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