So it was born, the SAMA logo was fashioned by another like minded surfer friend from Grand Haven. SAMA is for all of you year round Michiganders and vacationers who know, love, and respect all the outdoor activities there are to do in Michigan. No matter the weather you will find us us out enjoying all the benefits of our unique freshwater paradise.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Northern Lake Huron
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Sunburned and Stoked

We Samainians,
It has been an epic few days. Surfing some of the best rockpile ever yesterday, Anna and I caught white street windless and knee high this morning for a few hours. Then kited for 3 hours at Pere Marquette in the afternoon. We finished it up with a salmon steaks on the grill. I guess fall is on its way, and I am pumped. I hope others got out and raged this weekend. Water in the 70's and beautiful sunshine, cant beat it...
Here are a couple of pics of me in Ensenda Mexico this summer. Stoked....
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
SAMA Ski Show
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Third Coast Surf Luau
Freediving Grand Haven

Hey crew, here are some photos from today. The water quality was nice at the south side GH pier. Most of these photos were taken in between the two lighthouses in about 15-20ft of water. After the freedive session I headed down the beach and kited for about an hour. Not a lot of wind close to shore, but nice wind about a mile out. I was by myself, so I didn't want to stay out there too long. If it died I would have had nice swim to get back. Anyway, beautiful day. I will be freediving again tomorrow if anyone is up for it. There is so much trash on the bottom along the pier so I am thinking about doing a little underwater beach cleanup. Anyone want to join me?
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Lake Michigan crossing this weekend
I will be attempting my Lake Michigan Crossing this Sunday and Monday(August 12th and 13th) if weather permits. I wanted to extend my sincereappreciation for those of you that have suported this cause.For those of you that have not had the chance to visit the website, here isthe link:http://www.lakemichigancrossing.comFor those of you that have tried donating but have encountered technicaldifficulties, please donate via this link and email me back the amount youwish to donate (honor system) and I will add you to the list. will update everyone via email prior to my departure and during myattempt, a few live updates will be available on the website.With sincere appreciation for your support, Joe Bidawid
Monday, August 6, 2007
SAMA stickers are here!!
Environmental Action
Kicking off my first post with some enviro links.
More to come !!
Cheers Marlow
bear lake tonight
Friday, August 3, 2007
August 20th sama soiree
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Other people are checking us out!
Never Loose Your Sweatshirt Again
Published July 5th, 2007 T-shirt Gallery , Shop Partner Spotlight , Spreadshirt Shop Partners , Spreadshirt Shop Partner Blogs , Graphics , Everything Else 0 CommentsI was browsing through some of our amazing shop partner blogs today and found SAMA, a group of outdoor enthusiasts from the Great Lakes region.
They just added a blog post about how they have added the custom text field to the back of the SAMA sweatshirt in their Spreadshirt shop.
I think this is one of the coolest features Spreadshirt has to offer. You can create the design and let you customers customize the text in the text field.
Custom text is especially great for organizations like SAMA and sports teams. When everyone has the same gear, it is east to loose your sweatshirt in the pile of sweatshirts next to the field. Now, it is easy to personalize your shirt.
Sure you can use your last name, I also like when people put their nicknames on the back of their shirts.
What is the funniest nickname you have seen on the back of a shirt?
Pretty cool I thought.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Baja Trip

Well Samainians, I am back in the GH once again. The Baja trip was killer. We surfed 2 to 3 sessions a day. I was super stoked to surf my buddies 7' 6"Walden Magic Model. That board is super fun and great for all kinds of waves. As you can see in the photos, the scene over the weekend was awesome. This place is called K58 which stands for 58 kilometers south of the boarder. Lots of Californians camping out for the weekend. Lots of peaks up and down the beach so plenty of waves for everyone. All around great time, minus the Montazuma's revenge I got from some carne asada tacos at a local stand. I am still feeling effects from that. So, we made sure to get the SAMA shirt in the photo. Lets see how many places we can get SAMA shirt photos taken in!