I can't wait for this movie to come out!
People always ask what SAMA means. It started as kind of a joke. It was a sleeting, snowy day in early December. My friend and I were surfing a swell in Grand Haven. I looked over at him knowing we were supposed to both be at pre-Christmas family functions soon, and said "We are like Self Absorbed Michigan Adventurers." That kind of stuck, and like many of our friends we have a common passion for outdoor sports in Michigan, and we go out in any weather to get our sessions. He replied "Ya, SAMA!"
So it was born, the SAMA logo was fashioned by another like minded surfer friend from Grand Haven. SAMA is for all of you year round Michiganders and vacationers who know, love, and respect all the outdoor activities there are to do in Michigan. No matter the weather you will find us us out enjoying all the benefits of our unique freshwater paradise.
So it was born, the SAMA logo was fashioned by another like minded surfer friend from Grand Haven. SAMA is for all of you year round Michiganders and vacationers who know, love, and respect all the outdoor activities there are to do in Michigan. No matter the weather you will find us us out enjoying all the benefits of our unique freshwater paradise.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
More Intergalatic Oneness from the North Country

Again, the north country of our state seems produce gem after gem. Waves like these are not easy to find, but for those willing to take the ride the reward can be worth all the while. However, once again it is not always the waves I remember most but the journey with friends. The waves are just the icing on the top. These pics were taken by some traveling south enders. Nice work gentlemen.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Superior is Superior for a Good Reason

A picture, they say is worth a thousand words. I disagree, these pictures make me say only one word per photo. Oh my God! Our friends of the north country scored again. I guess they deserve it living up there all year. It's not always easy up there, but at times the reward can be well worth it. Nice one boys!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Bucks of November

While some Samanians were surfing epic waist high peelers on Friday after Thanksgiving, I switched up quivers and headed out for an afternoon session in the tree stand in pursuit of a whitetail buck. With a light NW wind at the perfect angle and daylight fading, I saw this buck sneaking around the backside of the thick swale beh
ind my stand to investigate the grunt calls that I had been making all afternoon. He was slowly working his way along the edge of the field and stopped within 30 yards of me. BOOOOOOOM! Victory never tasted so good. Another epic self absorbed mid-western adventurer mission accomplished.

Mike Sispera
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Greensky Bluegrass at "The Livery" in Benton Harbor
Crew, click the title bar to see The Livery's webpage. Specializing in hand forged micro brews and great music. Anyone up for seeing Greensky play there on Wednesday night? We are heading down to K-zoo after that but it would be cool to rally with the team down there for a Greensky show. I haven't seen them since last year at New Year's Eve, and seeing them at a small venue is by far an experience not easily replicated.
Monday, November 23, 2009
New ziplines at Boyne resorts among what's noteworthy at Michigan ski resorts

Our very own samainiac Richard Wren is making headlines these days! Pioneering the new zip line at Boyne Highlands and Boyne Mountain. Who said skiing and snowboarding is the only thing to do at Boyne these days. Click on the title bar to read the whole article.
HARBOR SPRINGS -- Think soaring up a mountain on a chairlift is a thrill? How about flying from the top of a black diamond into a snow-coated valley on a zipline? The activity is among the newest adrenaline-inducing activities at Michigan ski resorts this winter.
Ziplines are being installed at Boyne Mountain in Boyne Falls and Boyne Highlands in Harbor Springs. And when completed sometime around the December holidays, the lines will take 10 to 12 guests at a time soaring through trees and across open valleys in five sections of about 200 to 500 feet each.
The journey takes about two hours to complete. And for a new, closer-to-the-ground winter adventure, there's horseback riding, being extended through winter at Boyne Highlands across many acres of trails dedicated exclusively to horses and riders.
Across the state, resort visitors will find a growing number of non-ski and snowboarding fun as well as improvements to snowmaking, terrain parks, lodging, lesson programs and more this winter.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Snow GUNS!

Well team here are some shots from last week showing how soon we will be rockin! Don't worry about that nice weather this weekend. I can feel old man winter just waiting show up in town. I can't wait for those early December mackin surf sessions and powder dumps. It really is one of the best times of year! Hope to see all of you out in white fluffy wonderful stuff very soon.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Drifter
Hey Crew,
Marc Hoeksema and Marty Karish are showing Rob Machado's new movie "The Drifter" at Marc's gallery tomorrow night (Thursday 7:30pm). Some of us are also meeting at Fricano's Pizza Tavern around 6pm for some zaa on the Eastside GH. Marco's gallery is tucked deep into the warehouses of the Eastside so if you need some directions shoot me an email or phone call. Super shakas for all! See you tomorrow!
Marc Hoeksema and Marty Karish are showing Rob Machado's new movie "The Drifter" at Marc's gallery tomorrow night (Thursday 7:30pm). Some of us are also meeting at Fricano's Pizza Tavern around 6pm for some zaa on the Eastside GH. Marco's gallery is tucked deep into the warehouses of the Eastside so if you need some directions shoot me an email or phone call. Super shakas for all! See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hunting Season

Here are just few shots from friends on the search in the northern Great Lakes last weekend. They are hunting for something unique and special that only happens around this time of year. It's hard to explain why someone would drive hours to find a wave when they could surf at home, but it's kind of like a secret we have that no one around us quite seems to notice or care about. Everyone in life is searching for a kind of perfection which most of the time eludes them. But, for us, occasionally we escape and find that little gem where one would least expect it. I guess that is the reason we search where no one else would bother to look. The hope that somewhere out there is a little slice of perfection waiting to be found. Nice work boys!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Hunting Waves

I hope all of you are enjoying the full brunt of the wave season. If there is one thing I have learned over these years of looking for surf in far, but local places, is that the search and the score are what makes living here in the Great Lakes such a special thing. Set-ups are extremely fickle and difficult to line up. But, when everything comes together, and you look around at nuances that go unnoticed by the casual observer, the true magic appears. The Gales of November will fire up some of those fickle little gems and they will show their glory. So pick up a detailed map and head out searching, the worst you will find is another sloppy beach break, but you just might find something you will never forget.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Search, Chilled
I had some awesome waves up north this weekend, and this video helped me get in the right state of mind to go searching. Although the cold came a bit early this year, it just means we are having more waves to surf. So get out there hogs and live the dream!
Also, check out this guys website. His article in Surfers' Journal this month was fantastic.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Lake Superior This Weekend
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Little Teaser
For those of us who love that beautiful frozen H20 that will soon be falling from the sky, here is a little teaser of a cool video released last year. Pray for snow!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
September Sunday Sunset Sessions

September Sunday Sunset Sessions are in full swing. After a great mountain bike ride up at Owasippe we headed to beach for some sunbathing and chillin. It was a beautiful beach day, and the water temp is back up to almost 70 degrees. After resting in the sun and taking a few dips in the water, all the crew sat down while Anna cooked up a great dinner in the Dolphin kitchen. The sun set on another amazing September day in Grand Haven.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Little Point Sable this weekend?

Anyone up for a trip to the point this weekend? Maybe on Saturday, overnight into Sunday. It looks like the wind could be good up there with the southeast thermal going. It would be nice to kite in the very summer like weather we have. Silver Lake Sand Dunes are right there for exploring, 4-wheeling, and the paraflite Shelby is right off the highway. As many of you know I have been pretty excited about powered paragliding. Below are a few cool shots of LPS, and surrounding area. Anyone interested?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
SAMA Strikes Again!

We had another amazing canoe trip this year. Super fun with about 40 people on our campsite! We are stoked about all the upcoming trips this fall and winter. If anyone has some ideas post them on the blog or comment on our facebook page. Currently, Johan is coming in Oct. 15th and we will be heading up north for some outdoor adventures.
This photo shows how ready and willing we are for the fall season of action close to home. Chime in with some trip plans and lets get out there and make the most of this fall season!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The next SAMA sessions
Friends over the Pacific HV20 from Shawn Cordon on Vimeo.
I think this is the answer to our no wind activities! I have been checking out a facebook friends photos of paramotoring and I am getting super stoked. Of course it is the perfect no wind activity for all those session starved SAMAistas. How sweet would it be launching and flying over dunes at sunset check out all the beach tourists! I am checking into the schools, who is with me?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
End of Summer Speed Star? Skydive Allegan!

Who is up for a little end of the summer speed star? Some guys drink, smoke, all you got to do is jump Johnny.....Just remember to pull that little cord, the life you save might be your own.
We are thinking about mid to end of September. Discount for more people in the class, lets get the SAMA crew out and take it past the edge!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Kurt Vincent could be the next Vince Deur!
Out Of Place Trailer from Kurt P Vincent on Vimeo.
Well folks, it looks like our buddy Vince isn't the only one with the itch to tell the story of the Great Lakes Surfer. This trailer looks pretty cool and also appeals to the "story to be told" genre.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What do you think? Pop-up vs. Hardwall. Too many pros and cons of each. Pop-up reduces drag and weight for that cross country trip and eventually many trips up to the promised land for point break freshwater goodness. But, hardwall gives you the satisfaction of four hard walls and all the protection from driving rain that usually accompany low pressure systems in which we hunt. But, pop-ups allow for nice air flow in the summer so the air conditioner doesn't need to run often. However, hardwalls have nice windows. I guess the main question one has to ask themselves is which camper will they be most satisfied with in the long term? Once again, stuck in contemplation station.....
Friday, July 24, 2009
SAMA in Austria

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Truck Camper Obsession

Hey Samaistas!
Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I have been busy getting married, being in Europe for a month, kiteboarding, and fixing the house. However, I have still found some time for my favorite obsession! You guessed it, mentally engaging every little detail and nuance of the perfect truck camper rig. Many of you know that I subscribe to the email newsletter Truck Camper magazine, and this week the feature article was right up my alley. I have been thinking about doing a mission to AK sometime. Ever since I read "Call of the Wild" (my favorite book by the way) it has been a plan to visit Alaska. If you click on the title link you will be able to read all the details and exciting experiences the author had on his AK trip. But, he fully recommends the Dodge Cummins Diesel rig. The reliability and fuel economy are unmatched in his opinion. This dudes rig is the bomb! The search continues.....
I had to add a few more images from ANOTHER dude living the dream! The obvious old school truck camper, gas mileage is great but the rig is a little slow. The other one is a spare no expense rig! Plus, another photo of why someone would become obsessed with Alaska..
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
This is the toast in Austria that was heard many times during the WEEK! It's quite ironic that Aaron didn't have ein bier here b/c he never missed a day! :-) It was a bummer that there weren't any lederhosen that fit Aaron but Ben was pretty stoked to gear up Beau and Johan! Such a fun time celebrating the wedding together in Austria!

Friday, June 26, 2009
International Surfing Day

Well, I didn't make the International Surfing Day event in Holland Michigan this year, but we did do some representing in Newcastle England. There was a nice little forecast for this day on the North Sea. However, the North Sea turns out to be as fickle as our good old Great Lakes and we stood on the beach watching some cute little 1 footers roll in. The forecast called for 3.5 feet, but as you can see that didn't happen. Oh well, my first skunking on European soil. I now have first hand knowledge that the North Sea is burning cold year round, so no need in bringing your light weight wetsuit, next time we will score for sure! I hope everyone back home had a good International Surfing Day event. I will be home July 2nd and looking forward to getting back in the water with everyone.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Austria and England

Here are a couple highlight pics from Europe 2009. Anna and I had an amazing wedding in the castle here in Austria. Our families were made for each other! Great times that will be etched into my memory forever. Then Aaron, Lesa, Anna, and I headed to Newcastle England to meet up with Daniel. We had a blast there as well, biking, seeing castles and hunting for surf on the North Sea. I hear it is getting hot back home, so I am stoked to once again land back in the GH in time for some hot summer action! We miss all of you, and can't wait to hang again soon.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Soularc crew living it up SAMA style!

I thought I'd drop you dudes a link to Chet and Ric, our SoulArc riders, blog of their USA tour. These guys are living the SAMA lifestyle to the max. They both quit their job at a wood shop, left their girl friends behind, and are now on a mission showing SoulArc boards all over the West Coast for us. The mission in not only to sell boards and get the SoulArc name out there, but to maximize the adventure along the way. They've been living off the land in their hammock's in local city parks, riding skate parks, bombing down mountains, climbing, surfing, petting animals, and ton's of other crazy SAMA style adventurism. Check out some of their weekly Soularc Vids and Blog Journal they're creating along the way.
Sunday, June 7, 2009

The news is in!!!
It's what we all have waited nearly a year for because there is no substitute for the Big "O". Effective immediately, Owasippe is open for your suffering pleasure. Now be clear that Matt VanderSys and Endurance Adventures, LLC has been the one fighting in the trenches and paying the big bucks to get you back out there. The new terms will be announced in detail soon and they are a winning situation for all trail users. For now, you must pay Al at the maintenance garage located south of the parking lot/trail head. The cost is now $6 p/day and $60 p/year (fiscal year is June1 to June1) for an individual trail user. Matt is still negotiating a family rate. The Camp still closes on June 15th - August 15th. Matt has reported to me that the trails are well-rested and in great shape with the expected, occasional downed tree. Unfortunately the hills have not gotten smaller! We will plan a trail day soon after the Scouts leave in August. Sign up through me at northsidebiker@yahoo.com.
It must be clear that nobody rides for free. It's not the Boy Scouts that you cheat but local people who have worked very hard so you can play there once again.
This is West Michigan singletrack at its best. Enjoy!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
"Only one spin on the marble" - you know what to do!
Friday, May 22, 2009
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