I received this email from Beau's good friend from Florida. He has been living down in Oz for a few years and recently had a chance to "live the dream."
Hey everyone, I just got back from Indonesia and its 10 foot at home! It's too windy and I'm too sick at the moment to be bothered though. I flew into Sumbawa and drove for a couple of hours sitting next to Occy, talking and laughing the whole time. Him, Mick, Bede, Ozzy, Stephanie, and Australian Surfing Life Magazine were all staying at the same place as my girlfriend and I. They were all really cool and I even managed to score some bombs. The fotos are of my first wave on the morning of the first day of swell. Unfortunately, noone got fotos of my best ones on the next day (of course), were I was a bit more in tune, and actually standing tall and deep and getting spit out into the channel. I've had longer, deeper and probably even bigger barrels, but I swear I've never been spit out as hard, like I did on the next day. It didn't seem so heavy, until I wore a set wave on the head, way out back and it drove me straight down, about 9-12 feet under water and slammed me on the sharp reef, then ripped my board out of my hands and swung the rail of my board Barry Bonds style at my shin. I survived though and even got one of my best barrels after that. Anyway the trip was definitely a success and I'll never forget getting to eat, surf, and get sloshed with Occy, my new adopted father. The locals, the countryside, the paintings, the music, the food, and the other travelers met along the way were all sensational, and I feel very fortunate to have had that experience. I hope everyone is doing great and starting to put money aside for travel. Cheers, -eddie
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