People always ask what SAMA means. It started as kind of a joke. It was a sleeting, snowy day in early December. My friend and I were surfing a swell in Grand Haven. I looked over at him knowing we were supposed to both be at pre-Christmas family functions soon, and said "We are like Self Absorbed Michigan Adventurers." That kind of stuck, and like many of our friends we have a common passion for outdoor sports in Michigan, and we go out in any weather to get our sessions. He replied "Ya, SAMA!"

So it was born, the SAMA logo was fashioned by another like minded surfer friend from Grand Haven. SAMA is for all of you year round Michiganders and vacationers who know, love, and respect all the outdoor activities there are to do in Michigan. No matter the weather you will find us us out enjoying all the benefits of our unique freshwater paradise.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lunch Seshies

Dudes, the last couple weeks there's been some awesome vibes at the Grand Haven Sand Bowl. Serious hard core stoke. I'm so ready for some nice warm weather to be able to kill it with Brian and whoeverelse what's to surf some wavement on noon hours. There's no better way to use those precious lunch hours than to gear up, thrash the bowl, bomb some hills, and come back to work dripping with swet. Here's a little momento from last summers lunch sesh.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Greensky Bluegrass Backroom Blowout at Bell's March 28th!


If you have never seen our Michigan hometown bluegrass jam band all stars, you should make a point to rally with us down to Kalamazoo! The boys from Greensky Bluegrass Band will be playing a fantastic show at Bell's in the backroom. Trust me, seeing a show in the backroom is a treat. Greensky always puts on an amazing jam session back there. Bring your SAMA shirts and let's have a good time listening to a little down home Michigan inspired bluegrass. There's no place like home Dorothy!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Surf Rage! March Madness

I am looking for a session after school. Its supposed to die down in the afternoon, and hopefully there will be a little swell running still. Most of the ice is gone up by the pier

Thursday, March 5, 2009

We will soon be Ice Free!!!


Here is the recent weather report from our favorite weather man Will Beaton! Look for some water action next week!

Sunday March 8

More rain and possible thundershowers as we have a storm moving towards us from the southwest. Mild temperatures and rain will take care of the remaining ice on the lake. Whatever doesn't melt, the southeasterly winds will blow out into the lake, and will not be returning anytime soon. Sunrise 7:09am. Sunset 6:43pm. High temperature 55. Winds southeast 12-25 mph.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Iceburg Kayak Sledding

While Ben was at "Bed Bath and Beyond" the other hoglets were out pushing kayaking to a whole new level. These floating Grand Haven iceturds have created yet another venue for SAMA exploration. While "The Shark", Jim Dreyer, was out doing a demo for water safety along the pier the Hog's were doing a little demo for the new emerging sport of Iceburg Kayak Sledding.