People always ask what SAMA means. It started as kind of a joke. It was a sleeting, snowy day in early December. My friend and I were surfing a swell in Grand Haven. I looked over at him knowing we were supposed to both be at pre-Christmas family functions soon, and said "We are like Self Absorbed Michigan Adventurers." That kind of stuck, and like many of our friends we have a common passion for outdoor sports in Michigan, and we go out in any weather to get our sessions. He replied "Ya, SAMA!"

So it was born, the SAMA logo was fashioned by another like minded surfer friend from Grand Haven. SAMA is for all of you year round Michiganders and vacationers who know, love, and respect all the outdoor activities there are to do in Michigan. No matter the weather you will find us us out enjoying all the benefits of our unique freshwater paradise.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Simonation: SAMA Next Generation

Announcing the arrival of Simon! Prepare to meet your nemesis. Simon is approximately 20 inches long, weighs 6 lbs. and eats more milk than all of you combined. So keep a look over your shoulder the next time you drop into an empty wave, a powder-filled NOMO bowl, or smell something funny. IT COULD BE THE SIMONATOR!


Simon Sispera's Dad


Ben said...

Dude, he is AWESOME!! I can't wait to come over and see him! I have class at GVSU tonight, but sometime this week for sure!

WondersandWaves said...

congrats you guys! he is adorable!

Beau said...

Congratulations Sisperas'
We can't wait to move up there and get to know all the little ones. It seems like for every year we've been gone you guys have made a baby. Awesome, can't wait to meet him.
Beau and Kristen

Cooper said...

Congratulations Man! Glad all went well and we can't wait to see him. Pretty soon the Sisperas will be dominating every lineup on the lake!